Patrick Ventuzelo

Patrick Ventuzelo is a French Independent Security Researcher specialized in vulnerability research, fuzzing, reverse engineering and program analysis. He is trainer of two training respectively about "WebAssembly Security" and "Rust Security". Patrick is the author of Octopus, the first open-source security analysis tool supporting WebAssembly and multiple Blockchain smart contracts bytecode to help researchers perform closed-source analysis.

In his previous roles, Patrick did malware analysis at Airbus D&S Cybersecurity, Android vulnerability research at the French Department Of Defense, telecom pentest at P1 Security, and Blockchain security R&D for Quoscient GmbH.

Patrick is a regular speaker and trainer at various security conferences around the globe, including REcon Montreal, ToorCon,, NorthSec, REcon Brussels, SSTIC, FIRST, Microsoft DCC, BlackAlps, etc.